Rewiring an Anxious Brain -- A Helpful Lab Test to Use

Supporting Neuroplasticity with Lab Testing — Say What!?

(scroll down to watch the video)

You rarely hear the terms neuroplasticity, brain rewiring, and lab testing used together.

Most often, when neuroplasticity and brain rewiring are discussed, it’s done so within the context of psychology. And when lab testing is discussed, it’s most often done so within the context of physiology and biochemistry.

However, psychology, physiology, and biochemistry are intimately intertwined; therefore, rewiring an anxious, traumatized brain commands looking at and addressing them all equally.

And when it comes to lab testing, all labs provide valuable data to varying degrees for helping to identify and address biochemical and physiological dysfunction that contributes to an anxious brain.

But what about a lab test that provides valuable, actionable data about biochemistry, physiology, and ALSO psychology, such as personality patterns, coping capacities, life patterns, and more?

You might be thinking, “No lab test can do that!” BUT…In this 16-minute video, Sara and I discuss one that DOES and is very low-cost, non-invasive, and easy to complete.

And be sure to stick around till the end!

We provide concrete examples and explanations of how this lab test can be a vital tool within a truly holistic approach to healing, wellness, and life optimization.

We also explain how it helps raise awareness that your clients need to step into their power and become their best self-healers.


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