10 Standard Functional Medicine Approaches to Consider Ditching — They’re Total BS!

Chronic Dis-ease is Becoming MORE Complex & LESS Responsive!

(Scroll down to watch the video)

As the rates of chronic dis-ease increase and more people don’t find the support and solutions they seek within the conventional medicine arena, many are turning to functional and integrative medicine.

The conventional medicine model is very much rooted in the germ theory of dis-ease and designed to manage crises and treat the symptoms of dis-ease primarily through labs and diagnostic imaging tests such as CT scans, medications, surgical procedures, and different medically-based forms of therapy such as physical or occupational therapy.

In contrast, the functional and integrative model is more rooted in the terrain theory of dis-ease. It seeks to resolve the root causes of dysfunction through the use of different types of diagnostic testing aimed at looking upstream of symptoms along with nutritional supplements, lifestyle modifications, and other more natural-based interventions to address the findings.

An example of a root cause analysis approach would be to run a series of specialty, more functional-based labs such as a comprehensive stool analysis, intracellular nutrient assay, and a urine mycotoxins panel to reveal healing opportunities such as chronic stealth pathogens, nutritional deficiencies, and mold toxins as sources of chronic fatigue, brain fog, and hormone dysregulation.

Once these factors are identified, the next step is to create a nutritional supplement and lifestyle intervention protocol to help clear the interferences and shift the body to a healing state.

This approach offers great benefit in addressing many chronic conditions that have been non-responsive to traditional medical treatments, no doubt about it.

Sara and I are trained in functional medicine and implement it within our coaching practices – and we’re very grateful we have this know-how, no doubt!

However, we’ve realized that as the number of stressors, we’re all exposed to continues to rise, with environmental toxins, hustle culture, emotional trauma, and subconscious programming at the top of the list…

Chronic conditions are becoming more complex and less responsive to the standard functional, integrative medicine approaches that may have been effective ten years ago or more.

We’ve realized that many standard functional approaches we were taught in our training programs and embraced for a long time are outdated and ineffective and that the entire model needs an overhaul.

Watch this video to the end to learn the ten most common, standard functional medicine approaches we no longer embrace.


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