Recovery From Burnout Syndrome -- 6 Life-Transforming Lessons With

Burnout Syndrome Is No Joke!

(scroll down to view the video)

It wreaks havoc on all aspects of one’s being and life, NO DOUBT.

It’s especially prevalent amongst those with a history of chronic illness, C-PTSD, and those in the helping professions, such as therapists, nurses, other medical professionals, teachers, health practitioners/coaches, etc.

It’s also becoming more and more prevalent for online wellness entrepreneurs, particularly wounded healers like myself, who are most of those who become online wellness entrepreneurs.  

And now, in the aftermath of the pandemic, there has been a massive influx in it, leading people to crash and burn out of well-established careers that gave them their identity, provided financial security, and that they once thought they’d retire in, to save their own lives.

This was me back in 2012 when I suffered a massive breakdown that forced me to walk away from a 20-year high-school teaching career to save my own life.

And let me tell you, it was scary and hard AF to go through, and many times I did not think I could carry on.

But I made it through and now realize it was my GREATEST teacher and a HUGE blessing in disguise.

It needed to happen for me to discover myself, heal core trauma wounds, and establish a career path aligned with my divine strengths and my soul’s needs to thrive versus survive.

This video revealed the 6 GREATEST LESSONS I learned amidst the healing journey and two books that were pivotal to my recovery.

If you’re currently in or on the verge of burnout yourself, taking these messages to heart and striving to embody them will make your journey easier to navigate – I PROMISE!

This said…

My journey showed me how desperately we need a NEW, MORE DYNAMIC SYSTEM for trauma-informed healing that focuses on this mind-body combination. One that supports and empowers each person to become their own best self-healers.

One I never found, and so…

I created The Wellness Code Holistic Healing, Wellness, & Life Optimization Practitioner Training Program.

It’s a comprehensive, truly holistic, trauma-informed, beyond-the-biochemical, empowerment-based coaching system for increased confidence, better client results, and higher-value program offerings -- along with step-by-step business and marketing training to turn your wisdom into a thriving, virtual waitlist practice.

The next cohort begins in Spring 2023, and spaces are limited. We’d love to have you join us!

Do you want to be included in this exclusive, dynamic learning group? Want to learn more?

You can watch a BRAND NEW overview video and join the waitlist HERE. NOTE: This version of the overview video includes new information about the program and my new collaborating partner in Wellness Code Academy, Sara Korzeniewski, The Organic Dietitian.

We hope you check everything out and in the meantime,

Cheers to Your Resilience & Success!

Jennifer & Sara


Self-Healing: 22 Things to Have in Your Household for Optimal Health & Wellbeing


6 Exercises to Release Trauma From the Body