6 Exercises to Release Trauma From the Body

Trauma Creates Issues in Our Tissues!

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When I was at my worst with invisible chronic illness (too many diagnoses to list), complex PTSD, and burnout syndrome, I had many layers of tension deep within my fascia and musculature.

My body was rigid, brittle, and I could barely move. I felt like a towel that had been rung out by twisting each end in opposite directions to drain all the water and then left gnarled and twisted up.

It caused my entire system to scream out in distress 24/7.

It was awful. Pain meds and muscle relaxants didn't work at all. 

The immense pain, loneliness, and overwhelm of those years are why I like to refer to CFS (commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome) as Chronic Fucking Shit Syndrome.

Looking for relief, I tried treatment after treatment, but no amount of massage, chiropractic care, acupuncture, or anything else released the tension for long.


Because the tension was a symptom of long-term, unresolved emotional trauma that had accumulated over the years in my body. Though we engage with the memories of trauma in the mind, the impact of it settles into our bodies at the cellular level. Once it’s there, it interferes with all of our systems, creating issues and leading to widespread physiological and psychological chaos.

Long-term relief relies on addressing that built-up trauma, not solely chasing symptoms.

Daily Healing of Body and Mind

It wasn’t until I recognized this, took matters into my own hands to become my own best BADASS SELF-HEALER, and implemented DAILY HEALING MEASURES with CONSISTENCY that I began to move the needle forward.

I used a combination of top-down approaches going from the mind to the body and bottom-up approaches moving from the body to the mind.

One of the bottom-up strategies was consistent daily stretching with a strong focus on the spine, diaphragm, psoas, and quad muscles. In treating complex PTSD and all related conditions, it’s an element that can’t be skipped.

I’ve recorded a simple walkthrough of six exercises to help release trauma from the body. While my stretching routine was more involved than what this blog and short video show, these exercises were a PIVOTAL part and remain so to this day. These can be worked into a current stretching routine or used as a foundation to build a new one.

Watch this short 2-minute walkthrough demo video of Exercises to Release Trauma from the Body here!

Two Additional Important Tidbits to Know:

#1: The psoas muscle, which connects our lower body to the upper, is the main muscle of fight or flight. When it’s chronically tense, it sends continuous danger signals to the brain, keeping it and the rest of the nervous system on high alert.

#2: Those with complex trauma often suffer from a forward curvature of the spine due to hunching over and slouching, which is common with the freeze response. Doing consistent exercises to help reverse this is critical to recovery.

My journey showed me how desperately we need a NEW, MORE DYNAMIC SYSTEM for healing that is trauma-informed and focuses on this mind-body combination. One that supports and empowers each person to become their own best self-healers. One I never found.

That’s why I created The Wellness Code Holistic Healing, Wellness, & Life Optimization Practitioner Training Program.

It’s a comprehensive, truly holistic, trauma-informed, beyond-the-biochemical, empowerment-based coaching system for increased confidence, better client results, and higher-value program offerings -- along with step-by-step business and marketing training to turn your wisdom into a thriving, virtual waitlist practice.

The next cohort begins in Spring 2023, and spaces are limited. I’d love to have you join us!

Do you want to be included in this exclusive, dynamic learning group? Want to learn more?

You can watch an overview video and join the waitlist using the button below.

6 Simple Exercises for Releasing Trauma From The Body; Step-by-Step

Do you love the exercises from the video and want to work them into a routine?

We’ve put together a detailed description for each one to keep on hand.

  • Cat-Scratch Stretch - Settle onto all fours on your mat, keeping your hands and knees just a bit wider than your hips and shoulders. Inhale while arching your back up. Exhale while arching down. Hold each for 5 seconds, then repeat 5 to 10 times or whatever feels best for you.

  • Backbend Over a Ball - With your feet on the floor and knees bent at about a right angle, lay your back on an exercise ball. Drop your head down gently and extend your arms up and over your head, allowing gravity to pull them down toward the floor. You can walk your feet back a bit to help roll into a good and comfortable position. Hold for between 10-30 seconds, or whatever interval feels best to you. Repeat 5, 10, or 15 times or whatever feels best for you.

  • Pretzel Psoas Twist - Sit on your mat. Bend one leg at the knee with the heel back toward the opposite hip, while bending the other leg to bring the knee up and place the foot over the leg on the floor. The outside edge of the foot should be close to the leg that’s on the floor, creating a crossover. Twist gently by bringing your opposite arm over your leg, placing the outside top part of your arm against the knee raised up, and looking over to that side. Hold for 30-60 seconds, and release. Don’t forget to BREATHE! Switch sides and hold as well. Repeat 2 to 3 times on each side.

  • Full Body Crossovers - Lay on your back on the mat with your legs straight down, slightly spaced, and your arms out in a T-shape. Lift one leg up and drop it over to the side across the other leg, creating a twist in your hips. Keep a slight bend in your knee. Hold for 30-60 seconds or whatever interval feels good to you, then release and lower that leg back down. Switch sides and hold as well. Don’t forget to breathe! Repeat 5 to 10 times on each side.

  • Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose - Lay on your back with your legs up the wall and arms out in a T-shape. Keep your hips close to the wall and your legs as straight as possible. Hold here for 15 minutes or more, doing coherence breathing where you inhale for a 5-count and exhale for a 5-count.

  • TRE® (Tremor Release Exercises) - This technique was created by Dr. David Berceli to release tension patterns deep within the body. Lay on your back with your arms down at your sides, shoulders flat, knees bent upwards, and feet flat on the floor and spaced slightly wider than your hips. You should have about a foot between your hips and your heels. Allow the gentle shaking and rocking action to emerge naturally, creating a tremor-like movement in your body that releases stored tension within the musculature and fascia. Start out low with 5-minute sessions and gradually work up to 15, 20, or more minutes.


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