PTSD’s Impact on the Body

My personal and professional experiences have shown me that the footprints of unresolved trauma play a significant role in developing chronic dis-ease and the resulting life stress. It’s also a pivotal player why so many people stay stuck in health and life ruts despite substantial healing efforts.

Many times, the long-term consequences of trauma, particularly covert trauma, are under-recognized, underestimated, and not well enough understood by both those impacted by it and healthcare professionals.

In light of this, and considering the current global climate, it’s becoming more and more essential for health seekers and the health coaches and practitioners they hire to help them to become trauma-informed.

In this video you’ll learn:

1.      How PTSD sets the body to alarm mode and paves the way for widespread metabolic chaos® to take hold

2.     The ten primary ways PTSD impacts the body


6 Exercises to Release Trauma From the Body


15 Reasons Why People Don’t Heal