Coaching Clients With Complex Trauma -- Things to Say and NOT to Say!

Unresolved Complex Trauma is More a Norm Than an Exception!

(scroll down to watch the video)

Unresolved trauma, and the ongoing maladaptive stress response it creates, is more a norm than an exception these days, it's most often in people's blind spots, and the link between it and chronic dis-ease is substantial.

The more prolonged chronic dysfunction goes on without resolution or at least a certain degree of sustained improvement, the more trauma tends to accumulate and anchor in the nervous system -- and the more complex it becomes.

In light of this, it's becoming increasingly essential for wellness practitioners and coaches of all kinds to be trauma-informed.

The most critical element in being trauma-informed is the cultivation of SAFETY.

To achieve this, we must be compassionate and willing to do the deep work of seeing, hearing, and validating our clients. Our goal is to provide an atmosphere that helps promote healing, not one that creates further threats, drains, or hinders growth.

This starts with us having empathy and understanding the importance of validation, acceptance, and non-judgment in our therapeutic relationships.

Healing complex trauma can be a long and challenging journey and often feels isolating and overwhelming.

Millions of people are walking this path, and if you're a helping professional of any kind, especially one that works with chronic health and life issues, you will encounter them.

You may be one yourself. Many holistic healers are.

When someone is going through hard times, it's often difficult to know what to say. Unfortunately, many people say things that can make the situation worse.

In this 10-minute video, we highlight some of the common things people tend to say with the best intentions to those going through hardship but run a high risk of wrecking rapport.

We also share a list of things to say instead that are more validating, supportive, and helpful and will set you on the path to better client outcomes and greater success in your business. 

Both lists will be GREAT resources to add to your toolbox.

This said…

Building a successful wellness coaching business commands a new, more dynamic, out-of-the-box, trauma-informed, and self-empowering approach.

One that goes beyond the biochemical (labs, supplements, detox protocols, etc.) into the realms of the subconscious mind, where the answers to what keeps us stuck and what we need to heal and thrive reside.

If this intrigues you and you’re ready to...

  • RAISE your confidence

  • STAND OUT in the industry

  • IMPROVE client outcomes

  • INCREASE the value of your coaching services

  • BUILD a thriving, waitlist coaching biz

...Then the Wellness Code Holistic Healing, Wellness, & Life Optimization Practitioner Training Program has you covered.

We'd love to have you join us!

Do you want to be included in this exclusive, dynamic learning group? Want to learn more?

You can watch a BRAND NEW, UPDATED program overview video, apply, and join the waitlist for the next cohort HERE.

We hope you check everything out, and in the meantime…

Cheers to Your Resilience & Success!

Jen and Sara 


5 Mindset Shifts to Make for Holistic Healer Business Success


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