A Simple Tool to Process and Release Emotions from the Body

Stuck Emotions Become Issues in Our Tissues

(scroll down to watch the video)

Are you frequently triggered? Do you often feel overwhelmed? Is mental and emotional distress taking a toll on your health?

In today's fast-paced, LED-lit-up, and tech-driven world, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, leaving little time for emotional processing and allowing them to accumulate within us, causing chaos in our health and life. 

The field of psychoneuroimmunology has shown us that unprocessed and unexpressed emotions, combined with engaging with the painful mind stories around them, create psychological and physiological distress in the body. 

Over time, if this distress is not adequately dealt with, it accumulates and anchors in the nervous system (the master regulator of all bodily systems), creates interferences, and increases the risk of immune system dysfunction, oxidative stress, cellular degenerations, and the breakdown of bodily systems -- which paves the way for symptoms, illness, and dis-ease to take hold.

I speak from up-close experience on this, and the many hard-won lessons I learned on my journey catalyzed me to switch gears in my work and to approach healing, wellness, and life optimization through the lens of psychoneuroimmunology and the power of the subconscious mind.

And this is now the foundation of the Wellness Code Practitioner Training Certification Program. 😊

Fortunately, there are many ways to help you manage and release emotions from the body.

This insightful video explores a straightforward yet dynamic and powerful tool for increasing emotional intelligence and releasing emotions so they don't become stuck in the body and create issues in the tissues.

This powerful technique works by raising awareness, interrupting habitual, unsupportive mental and emotional patterns, and preventing the process of suppressing emotions -- which is a typical pattern for most. 

By the end of this video, you will have acquired the knowledge and skills needed to identify, process, and release your emotions using the Centering Tool. 

Get ready to feel lighter, calmer, and better equipped for life's challenges.  


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