8 Things to Know About Supplements Before Taking or Recommending Them

Use Them Strategically, and LESS is MORE!

(scroll down to watch the video)

Every year, the global population spends billions of dollars on supplements, believing that they are making themselves and others healthier.

While supplements can indeed be helpful and necessary tools in supporting healing acute and chronic health issues and maintaining optimal wellness, we must also remember that just as medications do, they come with risks.

Many people have experienced adverse effects from taking too many, the wrong kinds, at the wrong times, or the wrong combinations of them. 

In this video, Sara Korzeniewski, a registered dietitian, functional health practitioner, and transformational coach, explains why chronic dis-ease is not caused by supplement deficiencies but rather the perfect storm of factors that converge and make a person a weak host.

As a weak host, one becomes vulnerable to developing upstream issues such as chronic infections, high toxic burden, gut dysbiosis, hormone imbalances, etc. 

She also shares eight critical things to know about supplements before taking them or recommending them to clients. 

The takeaway is that less is more, and only use them strategically after fully understanding their pros and cons.

And we must remember that no supplement protocol will do much, if any, good to support long-term healing if one does not first remove the factors from their life causing harm.



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