Unresolved Trauma as a Root Cause of Womens’ Hormone Imbalances

Hormone Issues are Common, but They’re NOT Normal!

Unresolved trauma is a lesser-known and seldom-discussed contributing factor to many womens’ hormone health issues.

Period problems aren't normal, despite what some may say.  It isn't uncommon these days for band-aid solutions to be offered for common period problems such as PMS, PMDD, painful periods, heavy periods, moodiness, and more.

Women who experience childhood trauma are 80% more likely to experience painful endometriosis and fibroids. Trauma can impact fertility, and it increases the risk for postpartum and menopausal depression.

Considering this, addressing root causes of hormone issues requires a trauma-informed approach!

Unresolved trauma directly impacts both stress hormones and sex hormones in our bodies. The impact leads to long-term changes in brain structure and chemical responses, with hormone imbalances being just one of the many footprints left behind.

Trauma affects the HPA axis and nervous system, causing symptoms such as period problems, fatigue, low libido, mood swings, and more.  One of the essential functions of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland.

Unresolved trauma and stress can change the gut microbiome and alter the immune system, impacting digestive health and hormone production.

The solution to women's health issues doesn't lie in addressing hormones alone, and it commands going beyond the bio-chemical (labs, supplement protocols, and detoxes) and looking at the deeper root causes for long-term solutions.

Watch this week's video with Sara, The Organic Dietitian, to learn more.


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