5 Minute Health Hack: When Thyroid Meds Don't Work

New Perspectives

Today's 5-minute health hack discusses your best options if your thyroid meds aren't working and offers new perspectives on why this might happen.

As someone who has a history of thyroid issues myself, I have personal experience with taking the 'right' thyroid medication at the 'right' dose, -- based on functional lab testing -- only to continue experiencing multiple thyroid symptoms, especially devastating fatigue.

My own experience, as well as many years working with clients on thyroid issues, has taught me that there is more to balancing and supporting thyroid function than meets the eye.

More often than not, when thyroid medications aren't working, it's not that they are the wrong medications or the proper medications at the wrong dose, but that unaddressed stressors trigger the mitochondria—the cells' energy producers—to get stuck in 'defense mode', thus compromising the cellular energy production we need to support all of our body's regenerative functions.

As long as the mitochondria detect a threat—be it biological or psychological—they divert energy resources away from the body's regenerative functions and toward an emergency response to the most acute stressors, whether real or perceived.

This is called the cell danger response (CDR).

While it's a totally appropriate physiological response in a true emergency, when CDR becomes chronically activated due to unaddressed stressors, it's all too easy to get stuck in never-ending cycles of fatigue, no matter what medications we are on.

In the video below, I offer...

  • practical insights about the thyroid-mitochondria connection
  • recommendations for supportive supplements
  • critical information about how to shut off cell danger response and shift your body out of 'defense mode' and into 'peace mode'

...so your thyroid has a better chance of benefiting from any meds you take.

And the good news is, my tips don't just benefit thyroid function and the efficacy of thyroid meds, but the healthy function of the whole mind-body complex!

First published on September 18th, 2020. We update accordingly as new information and insights emerge.