Wellness Code Academy

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Healing Chronic Dis-ease Holistically — A Dynamic 4R Framework

The Path to Heal From Chronic Dis-ease Not a Linear One

(scroll down to watch the video)

Healing from chronic dis-ease is a complex and multifaceted process. It requires both in-depth knowledge and skill in functional health and lifestyle medicine interventional strategies and mind-body-spirit healing wisdom that can support healing on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

This process can be quite an undertaking for the health seeker and the practitioners who guide them. Considering this, it helps to have a framework that provides structure to follow and guide the process.

This video explores the dynamic Wellness Code Academy 4Rs Framework for healing chronic dis-ease holistically and optimizing overall wellness and life performance.

By understanding, embracing, and embodying each of these 4Rs, one can optimize their health journey to experience profound healing, improve quality of life, and reach their full potential.

As you watch the video and learn each of the 4 Rs, know that this framework is not intended to be used in a rigid, linear fashion but rather more flowingly and in accordance with meeting the bio-individual needs of yourself or your clients.

Let's dive deeper into each of these components in this video!