Wellness Code Academy

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Adrenal Fatigue — Fact or Fiction?

What’s Really Going On?

(scroll down to watch the video)

"Adrenal fatigue" is not a simple condition. It's multifaceted and often misunderstood. 

It's also a symptom versus a root cause, yet many are being "diagnosed" with it and sent on their way with a handful of supplements like adaptogens in an attempt to resolve it. 

Supplements alone will never lead to the resolution of chronic health challenges, especially fatigue.

Fatigue is a top complaint Jen and Sara hear from their clients. It affects many individuals.

Jen was bedridden for an extended period due to disabling fatigue, and Sara struggled with low energy and constant sugar cravings for several years

People are often told they have adrenal fatigue when the stress hormone cortisol is low. 

The only condition that causes an inability of the adrenals to produce adequate cortisol is Addison's Disease (a rare, life-threatening autoimmune disorder), which requires an ACTH stimulation test and other medical diagnostics to confirm.

So, if Addison's Disease isn't confirmed, then what's really going on when one feels so depleted all the time and cortisol levels are tanked on lab results?

Knowledge is power!

The more informed we are, the more strategic and intentional we can be in our actions. ​

If you're a self-healer, instead of trying random remedies or self-diagnosing with "adrenal fatigue," it's essential to identify the root causes behind why you feel tired all the time and take action accordingly.

And if you're a wellness coach or practitioner seeking the best possible client outcomes, it's wise to understand the psycho-neuro-biological dynamics behind your clients' chronic fatigue to guide them properly.

In this week's 12-minute video Sara, the Organic Dietitian, discusses the truth behind adrenal fatigue, why it's a BS label, and what's happening in the body to make a person feel chronically depleted, foggy, and frazzled -- so that one can navigate the healing path most effectively.